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Business Protection | Continuity | Gattaca

Gattaca makes every effort to ensure our business is protected against risk and threats that could impact upon, disrupt or interrupt our or our client’s operations.  However, we recognise that the unexpected could and may happen, and we therefore maintain robust and agile business continuity arrangements which are aimed at protecting our people, business relationships and ensuring the continued supply of key services to our customers.

The objectives of our business continuity policy are:

  • to establish and maintain effective and realistic procedures for the management of business continuity;
  • to maintain cost-effective resilience and damage mitigation arrangements;
  • where necessary, to recover operations as rapidly as possible following an incident or circumstances that prevent an acceptable level of service; and
  • to ensure the continued operation of our services whilst protecting the needs of our people.

Our business continuity arrangements have been designed to prioritise continuation of our primary activities including fulfilment of inbound client requirements, sales & marketing, contractor onboarding and contractor payroll.

Responsibility for business continuity ultimately rests with our Board of Directors, and is managed on a day to day basis by our Management Board, led by our CEO.  Our Crisis Management teams are utilised, as appropriate, depending on the severity of the incident.

Our response to COVID-19 March 2020