Employment Law is Changing — Discover all you need to know here

When is your financial year end?
Our financial year end is 31 July each year. Results announcement dates can be found on our financial calendar.

Where are your shares traded?
Our Gattaca plc shares are traded on The London Stock Exchange under the code: GATC

How can I check Gattaca’s share price?
For up to date, and historical, share price information please refer to our share price page

How can I buy or sell Gattaca plc shares?
You can buy or sell shares online via www.linksharedeal.com or by telephone on 0371 664 0445. (Please note calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider).

Who is the Company Registrar?

Link Asset Services

How can I contact the Company registrar?
You can contact Link Asset Services by any of the following methods:

By post at Link Group, 10th Floor Central Square, 29 Wellington Street, Leeds, LS1 4DL

By telephone on 0871 664 0300 from the UK or +44 371 664 0300 from overseas. Calls are charged at the standard geographic rate and will vary by provider. Calls outside the United Kingdom will be charged at the applicable international rate. Lines are open between 9am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday excluding public holidays in England and Wales.

By email to enquiries@linkgroup.co.uk

How do I transfer my shares into another person’s name?
Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will be able to explain the procedure for transferring shares to another person.

What should I do in the event of the death of a Gattaca plc shareholder?
Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will be able to explain what is required following the death of a shareholder.

Can I donate my Gattaca plc shares to charity?

Yes, ShareGift offer a charity donation service, see www.sharegift.org for further details

When does Gattaca declare its dividends?
We declare dividends on the release of our interim and preliminary results. For information on when this is, please see our financial calendar.

When are the dividends paid?
Our dividends tend to be paid in June and December.

What can I do if I don’t receive a dividend?
Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will be able to confirm payment details and, where appropriate, issue another cheque. Through our Registrar you may also arrange to have dividends paid directly into your bank account to avoid this problem in the future.

Can I have my dividends paid directly into my bank account?
Yes, dividends can be paid directly to your bank account. Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will advise on how to register your bank details with them.

Instead of receiving a cash dividend, can I reinvest my dividend to buy shares in Gattaca plc?

Yes you can. Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services, in order to complete this.

What should I do if I have lost my share certificate?
Please contact our Registrar Link Asset Services, who will be able to help.

How can I find out how many shares I currently hold?
Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will be able to help.

Who should I contact regarding a change in my name or address?
Please contact our Registrar, Link Asset Services who will be able to help and explain what is required in order to change your name or address.

On what matters should I contact my broker or bank?

Should you wish to buy or sell shares but do not wish to use the service provided by Link Asset Services, you can do so by contacting your broker or bank.

When is your next results announcement?
For up to date information please refer to our financial calendar.

When is the next Annual General Meeting?
For up to date information please refer to our financial calendar.

How can I register my vote for the Annual General Meeting?
Shareholders can register a vote for a General Meeting by returning a completed proxy card or by attending the General Meeting and voting in person. 

Can you send me a hard copy of your Annual Report & Accounts?

Yes; please contact our company Secretary Mark Spickett:

Mark Spickett
Gattaca plc
1450 Parkway, Solent Business Park, Whiteley, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 7AF
t: +44 (0) 1489 898989
e: cosec@gattacaplc.com

My share certificate says ‘Matchtech Group plc’, can I still receive dividends from Gattaca plc?
Yes, this not a problem.